Worship is central to the life of our church and you are welcome to our services whatever you believe and whether you belong to any church or none.

Sunday 10.30 a.m.
We meet for worship twice a month, usually on the second and fourth Sundays, but this is flexible:
- A varied but traditional service with hymns, readings and sermon.
- Led by our own minister, or by another minister or preacher from within the South Warwickshire Methodist Circuit.
- Hymns are usually led by our organ, with words projected onto a screen using PowerPoint.
Holy Communion: This is celebrated once a month. We invite anyone who loves the Lord Jesus to share in the bread and wine, without restriction.
Currently Planned Services
- October 8th Harvest Festival service at 10.30am led by E Royle
- October 22nd 10.30am Holy Communion service led by Rev’d Sally Jones
- November 12th Remembrance service at St Peters
- November 26th 10.30am Holy Communion service led by S Brown
- Please see Wellesbourne Methodist Church Facebook page (link below) or noticeboard outside church for details